Monday, January 25, 2010

Work stuff

by Mark

Kara and I have found ourselves quite busy in the past two weeks. We've traveled to and from UB for H1N1 shots - so for any of you out there wondering if we're vaccinated, we are. Of course we're vaccinated a good two months after the worst of the flu came through Mongolia...but hey, why should I complain about a paid trip into the capital. Anyway, immediately upon our return we found ourselves working on two related grant proposals for our community - Kara was creating one for a Domestic Violence information seminar and mine was for the creation of a business incubator here in Arkhangai that would have a focus on training women business owners in business management. Those were submitted in the past couple days.
The week before we left for UB, I was tasked with creating a couple of large banner designs for Mercy Corps and Mongol Rally events/campaigns. Attached here is a couple pictures of one of the banners hanging from the government building here in town. I was quite proud...

...that is until I found out two days after we returned from UB that there was a wind storm in the middle of the night, the sign blew away, and someone must have hauled it off (probably to use as roof coverage for an apartment building - we've had this happen before). I suggested someone just loved my design work so much they wanted this masterpiece hanging in their living room.
Oh well, I think the other banner will be used indoors for an event coming up soon. Hopefully that one stays in place.
So that's a taste of what I've been up to in the workplace...all of that while still attempting to put together a 3 part training on Sustainable Tourism in Arkhangai that will most likely be presented in March/April of this year. I've really enjoyed being busy at work, and it definitely has helped us pass the time during these cold days. The winter has been waning recently, but supposedly we're in for another couple days of snow this week. Oh and the week following I'm supposed to be taking another 5-day soum trip to monitor businesses and pass out information on the Mercy Corps loan guarantee mechanism program. Should be fun...

Take care. Stay warm.

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